Art Week Miami 2023

art Gallery AC Latin


A New Heart

To be a new person is to be a new heart, the old has passed and a new reality is present. Today is the beginning of a new future, by living every present beat of your heart you can live a metamorphosis in the heart. Your heart will cease to be a caterpillar, to fly like a butterfly seeing through the eye of real love and delight in the color of each season. He believes in the art of real love.

Cubic Heart

It is coherent in its ideals, it is a heart that in a cube is a thought to the action of fulfilling its dreams. Vibrant and intense red in each heartbeat to walk to the heights of your deepest desires. A heart that seeks guidance, and walks with confidence and also spreads her art with cheerful paintings in every intention that leads her to dream.

Prospective Heart

It is not limited to a limited space, but is exploring your mind and structuring sketches that come from the soul to walk towards the future. It is a heart full of strength and intense to expand your love and ideals.

Its strength comes from the real and true, from the purest and most genuine love, it is a love that does not condition you, it is a love that no one can’t match. Prospective heart is the reflection of itself towards the Heart of Him.
